Friday, January 3, 2014

How I learned about value working retail

After working for years, taking classes, earning a BA, earning an MBA, I found myself out of work and back at home. Finally, as the holidays were coming up, I decided to just work. I applied to about ten different retail shops in November and landed two seasonal jobs. What I learned about the process of finding retail work is that I had to bring something of value to my new employers and that something of value was not necessarily what I thought it was.

The value that I provided to my managers was that I filled hours that were provided by corporate to be filled. Yes, I cleaned, worked with customers and did functional things, but my primary purpose was simply to fill hours without making too much noise or hassle for my manager.

So what do I need to do to make my next manager happy? What does a manager of a strategic analyst expect? Numbers and what those numbers mean for the business, I assume. So, I'm refreshing my math and computer science skills with Khan Academy.

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