Friday, August 30, 2013


A reasonable alternative to a personal office is something called "coworking." Essentially, it is a lot of people that share an office. Here in Manchester, Connecticut, there is a place called Axis 901, which is where folks get together to work alone. It's an interesting idea and a great way to get things done, as sitting in the house can be lonely or distracting, depending on who is or isn't home. Coworking provides just enough hussle and bussle to provide a steady stream of working motivation.

I know this because, I actually got to go and try working on site for a half day. While I didn't interact with anyone except the facilitator, Mark, I was able to create a couple blog posts. Before I moved out of state, I had always dreamed of having my own office in Manchester, and coworking would have been a perfect solution. Now that I'm back, I hope it is an option for me in the near future. So, if you're working at home and find yourself distracted or just not getting as much work done as you should, try and find a coworking facility nearby.

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